Hi, I am Souvik Chakraborty a Full Stack Developer

About Me

Full Stack and Mobile Developer

I am a full stack developer with a strong inclination towards crafting exceptional client experiences and a deep enthusiasm for coding. Currently, I am a student pursuing my BCA at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology. I am an open source enthusiast with a passion for acquiring new knowledge and eagerly engaging with emerging technologies. I enjoy creating various projects and contributing my knowledge with different open-source initiatives too. When I am free, I enjoy sharing what I've learned and my experiences on my blogs at Hashnode. I have an affinity for challenges and improving my self. I find joy in reading books and discussing the cosmos with all it's mysteries. I am currently seeking opportunities for entry-level roles in software development or web development. Alongside that, I work as a freelancer and am consistently open to embracing new and exciting projects.

You can reach out to work with me -

My Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Tailwind
  • JavaScript
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Java
  • C
  • Python
  • TypeScript
  • Git
  • Github
  • DBMS
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Firebase
  • DSA
  • Kotlin
  • Bootstrap
  • Figma


Rental Studio

A complete MERN stack property renting application with all CURD operations and property booking system. Implemented Razorpay to manage payments and bookings.

  • React
  • Tailwind css
  • MongoDB
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • Razorpay API

Notes Hive

A custom notes taking webapp that can store notes and comes with a markdown editor to customize your notes.

  • React
  • markdown
  • Firebase

Meme Generator

This is a random meme generator project that generates mutliple images to make your own memes by adding your own words.

  • React
  • CSS
  • Memegen API
  • JSX

Weather Forcaster

A realtime weather forcast project in javascript and Rapid api for the data collection. It shows the weather for all the major cities.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Rapid API
  • Javascript


  1. Birthvenue - Backend Founding Developer



    • Designed and architected the complete backend system for a main product, created API designs and Backend structuring.
    • Developed and tested a reliable REST API for a key Social Media product using Nodejs/Expressjs and Postman.
    • Implemented security and validation measures for API endpoints while effectively handling and optimizing database operations.Managed CI/ CD deployments on Azure.
  2. GSSOC - Open Source Contributor

    GirlScript Summer Of Code


    • Contributed to LinksHub open source repo by adding features under GSSOC'23.
    • Learned technologies - Tailwindcss, Reactjs and Nodejs.
  3. SSOC - Open Source Contributor

    Social Summer Of Code


    • Contributed to different open source repositories through Quine.sh.
    • Contributed to different open source repositories through Quine.sh.
  4. Internship - Web Developer

    Oasis Infobyte


    • Learned frontend development with projects and through mentorship provided
    • Assisted in the development of an e-commerce platform for retail experience


  1. content

    Web Development

    I create full stack custom designed websites that cater to the unique needs of each client using diverse range of technologies to deliver better results

    • React
    • NextJS
    • NodeJS
    • ExpressJS
    • MongoDB
  2. content

    Content Writing and SEO Writing

    I am also a blogger and regularly writes blogs about different technologies on hashnode. I can create content and help with SEO optimization for my clients.

    • Analytics
    • Blog Writing
    • Creative content
  3. content

    Graphic Designing and Video Editing

    I create distinctive logos, designs reflecting your brand's essence, along with expert video editing services to give your content a professional edge.

    • Adobe Illlustrator, Photoshop, Premierpro

Contact Me

Please contact me directly at "22souvik22@gmail.com" or through this form